Therapy Services Provided

Couples Counseling:

A primary focus of Louis’ work is with couples. Couples who begin couple therapy initially often just want the pain in the relationship to stop. We initially explore the conditions for productive couples psychotherapy, including reducing the negative interactions between the partners and increasing the positive. Couples learn productive ways of communicating about frustrations, concerns, anger and hurts in the relationship. The challenge in a couple’s relationship is to create an environment in which each partner is seen, heard and validated and which can provide the opportunity for personal growth and development.

Couples are encouraged to attend one of the Getting the LOVE You Want Workshop for Couples , weekends that are held in the Atlanta area as a way of becoming acquainted with a road map for moving their relationship to a more hopeful and joyful experience with each other.


Premarital Counseling:

Couples who are engaged, contemplating marriage, or who are considering a committed love relationship can benefit from understanding the stages of intimate relationships, learning communication and problem solving skills, and creating the conditions that can support their continued growth in the relationship.

Recovery from Infidelity:

We work with many couples who have initiated couples counseling after the discovery of an affair. Our definition of affair is broad because we see it as the withdrawal of attention and energy from one’s primary partner and directing that attention and energy secretly toward another person. Therefore, we often see what some call “emotional affairs” just as devastating to the primary intimate relationship bond as a “physical or sexual affair.”

While there are predictable stages in recovery from affairs, we find that a couple often needs support in creating a trusting environment where the betrayed partner’s pain and anger can be aired, questions asked and answered and genuine remorse can be expressed and received. Once forgiveness becomes possible, a couple can begin to look at their whole relationship to determine what a new, safe and recommitted relationship would look like between them.

Couples Recovering from Sex Addiction:

Dr. McLeod works with couples in which one or both partners are in recovery from sex addiction. While it is essential that the sex addict be in individual treatment and a recovery program, the couple relationship will also be challenged to grow beyond this betrayal. Many couples wonder if it is even possible for their relationship to survive sex addiction. Finding a safe space to make sense out of the addict’s betrayal and the impact on the other partner can lead to the recovery and healing of the relationship.


Reunification of Estranged Family Members:

More and more families are experiencing estrangement between one or more members because of challenges that were experienced when the adult children were young, divorces, political differences, religious differences or gender issues. The families are usually composed of adult children who are experiencing difficulty in their relationship with parents, step-parents or siblings. Marriages, divorces and remarriages as well as alcohol and substance abuse increase the complexity of maintaining connection with primary family members. Family reunification therapy supports the creation of conditions that maximize being heard, understood and establishing new ways of relating in an atmosphere of safety and respect.


Individual Psychotherapy:

Men, women, and young adults who are struggling with difficulties in relationships, feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety, hopelessness, grief and/or substance abuse often benefit from counseling. Exploring these issues through a supportive relationship can many times assist the individual in developing more clarity about what is contributing to their struggles and how to take action to make positive changes in their lives.


Psychotherapy Consultation:

Louis offers consultation with psychotherapists and counselors, especially in the area of couples counseling and psychotherapy. His 48 years of experience as a psychologist in a successful psychotherapy practice also give him expertise with many issues faced by counselors and therapists.