
What people say:

“This is the best single investment we've made in "Us" since saying "I Do" 20 years ago.”

“Linda and Louis present with such warmth and authenticity…my experience in the workshop was REAL”


“Linda and Louis are so helpful and really bring the material to life through their professional expertise and the use of their own personal examples.”


“The authenticity, intimacy and professionalism of Linda and Louis is unparalleled. These traits make the environment ripe for growth and intimacy in the workshop participants.”


“Just likable folks who obviously practice what they preach”


“Their openness about their marriage was amazing …but a necessary part of lending credibility to the course content.”


“Extremely competent and obviously congruent in living the material …as well as being genuine and entertaining..”


"Professional and compassionate."


About Louis:

“Systematic and thorough approach to presenting the concepts”


“Great content matter expert”


About Linda:

“I responded positively to your warmth and spontaneity”


“Presents material in a clear and concise way…very energizing.”



About the Workshop:


"I feel unbelievable hope for the future of our marriage. We went through WW III before the workshop and now believe we understand how to "make love, not war."


"I walked in Saturday feeling angry and alone, I walked out Sunday empowered as a partner, holding my spouse's hand."


“Enjoyable, insightful and mostly --- instantly useful.”


“Beneficial to couples in all stages of relationships…but a great way to get started rather than waiting for problems to surface.”


“These are great skills for all areas of your life.”


“This workshop is eye opening and provides a vision for how we can have deep connection and greater intimacy through willingness to give to our partner.”


“A good roadmap to achieve and sustain connection in our relationship”


“This was outstanding, I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time.”


“This approach has changed the way I will live my marriage and all my other relationships”

“Marriage is a journey that requires conscious work and attention and everyone can benefit from applying these principles to their lives.”